Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hunting for the Hunter? Take a Map!

This is a sweet little project in response to the GameStop/Monster Hunter Tri scandal.

It keeps track of GameStop locations that are either being cool about the demo discs or trying to swindle you (just a little bit).

I've done my civic gamer duty and added my info to the map. Have you??



Maxi said...

I haven't gotten the Demo yet but I will do so in the next few days when I am not busy.

Rathelfrog said...

Game Stop Recieved a letters from corperate on friday morning stating to cease the preorder demand for the monster hunter demo.

The employee I talked to, said that he wish they said that a week ago.

Two locations insisting on preorders were both in Aurora, Co and the locations were Aurora Town Center and Quincy and Buckley. The quincy location is also the same one that I mentioned in the forums.
